Speed Potato will either increase your speed or increase the rate the sad meter goes towards maximum by two depending on how sad Mesousa is, the more sad Mesousa is, the Speed Potato reduces the sadness by 2, but if Mesousa is happy, it will increase the sadness meter by two.

Sad Meter will or should have a score next to it, I do not know how I will do that yet and it measures how sad Mesousa is. The more sad Mesousa is, the faster he gives up on gathering carrots. When Mesousa is at maximum sadness, the game is over.

Health Bar Mesousa shows hearts. When Mesousa reaches 1/4 maximum sadness, a heart will disappear, another at 1/2, another at 3/4, and the last heart disappears at maximum sadness.

Carrot Meter will count the number of carrots Mesousa has collected. After gathering a carrot, Mesousa's sad meter goes down by one. Each level would have its own increase in difficulty between how much carrots there are.

Endangered Species is a salamander from the television show that one ups Mesousa throughout the series. So when he is pulled up from the ground in the game, he provokes Mesousa and bumps up his sad meter. The sad meter will stay sad with the little endangered species next to the sad meter for a 10 second duration before it disappears and Mesousa returns back to normal happiness. However, Endangered species can stack and cause Mesousa to become really sad really fast.
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